Saibhargav Chintakindi

Actively Looking for Full-Time Opportunities
Visa Status :- OPT till 2024 June
Master's in Business Analysis, UTA
Data Analyst | Data Scientist | Business Analyst

About me

""Hard work: the fuel that transforms dreams into reality.""

My journey began in web development, mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, laying the foundation for the current website build.
Over four years experience in government projects data projects, sharpening analytical skills and transitioning to project management. Embracing challenges,I learnt PMP, Agile, and Kanban methodologies,toping up with JIRA and Trello technologies to keep my working team in loop and teacking the timely updated of current. As a data analyst, I excel in Python, MSSQL and Database management, contributing to my academic experiences.


University of Texas at Arlington

Aug 2021 - May 2023
Master's in Business Analytics, specialising in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
3.8/4.0 GPA

GITAM University Visakhpatnam

Aug 2014 - Jun 2018
Bachelor's in Computer Science & Engineering
7.8/10.0 GPA


Programming Languages

Python,HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Python Frameworks- TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenAI, Weka, scikit-learn,

Web Technologies

HTML5, CSS, JavaScript , Bootstrap, PHP, Flask, React, Laravel, React-Native, NodeJs

Cloud Technologies

AWS, Azure

Database Technologies

SQL, MySQL, Firebase, MongoDB


Atlasian Jira , Confluence , Trello

MS Office

Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Visio

Work experience

Self Projects

Current Location:- Delaware, Ohio
December 2023 - present
Project: Keeping my skills uptodate Since December onwards I have taken up the projecy of keeping my skills uptodate with the cutting edge technologies to make me market readym and applying for Open Positions in United States Job Market. You can see my projects in "Projects" sections but before that please have a look at my Past experience which made me ready for this day. My GitHub

Data Analyst Intern

Zensark Technologies
June 2023 - Nov 2023
Project: Data Pre-processing and Cleaning
Client: Swassa AI Coconut Creek, Florida
Led data collection and preprocessing of patient cough sound data, optimizing data quality and applying advanced audio processing techniques to extract valuable acoustic features, including pitch, intensity, and spectral characteristics to detect if the patient has Harmful diseases Implemented supervised machine learning algorithms, with a primary focus on Random Forest, resulting in an 83% improvement in system efficiency compared to the existing systems. Swaasa AI

Machine Learning Engineer

NeuroInsight AI based Advertisement Company
Jan 2023 - May 2023
Project: Advertisement Categories Detection
Client: NeuroInsight , New York, New York
Duties: Facilitated stakeholder meetings to gain insights into data management requirements, fostered collaboration with development teams, and established project timelines, provided effective communication and project cohesion. Detected shortcomings in the Google Cloud Platform video storage system, orchestrated API integration, and leveraged the Video Intelligence API to enhance performance. Additionally, conducted Natural Language Processing techniques, including Yake Neuro-insight

Project Manager

Fountane Makerspace Pvt. Ltd
June 2020- July 2021 Project: Dhaatri Mother's Milk Bank
Client: Telengana government, India
Duties: The 1st and only Milk Bank in Asia. Lead the team digitally transform the Pen-Paper menthod of Data Entry and storage , by implementation of Webased Android and iOS application by hybrid app development.
Worked with the crossfunctional teams to develop the multi-login application developed by College Students.

Dharrtri Mother's Milk bank

Data Analyst

Fountane Makerspace Pvt. Ltd
Aug 2018 - May 2020
Project: Netra-kunbh Application
Client: Uttarpradesh government, India
Achievements: One of the biggest Indian gathering for pilgrims happens once in every 12 years, Developed the database model for a multiple login interactive website that helps to collect the Eye-Sight information by doctors, stores it to the Database and send it to the the soactacle maker with specific token number generated for every user
Awards: Awarded ‘Was Awarded for the fastes completion and implementation of the Project by the Government of Uttarpradesh . Click to view certificate

Junior Software developer

Fountane Makerspace Pvt. Ltd
May 2018 – Aug 2018
My passion lay in crafting seamless and user-friendly interfaces, and I was eager to contribute my skills to dynamic projects that fostered continuous learning and growth. I was ready to bring creativity and a fresh perspective to collaborative development environments. Rentyo Website

Riverbay by Rajmendry

Technical projects

Click each title to view project description

Accessing the Notes without Internet using IP address

GITAM University, Visakhpatnam India
The project involves creating offline access to college notes using a local server. By setting up a web server (e.g., Apache) on a machine and placing the notes in a designated directory, users can access them without an internet connection. The local IP address of the machine serves as the access point. It's a user-friendly solution, allowing seamless access within a closed network. Security measures, such as firewall settings, are considered, and the project is documented for easy replication. This localized approach enhances accessibility, making important educational resources available even without an internet connection.

Python Programing : Implementation of Beautiful Soup concept

University of Texas at Arlington
Python project utilizes Beautiful Soup for web scraping, extracting stock opening and closing prices from a CNN stock website. The script establishes a connection to the website, retrieves the relevant data, and organizes it into a CSV file. The implementation involves sending a request to the specified URL, parsing the HTML content using Beautiful Soup, and locating specific HTML elements containing stock information. The extracted data, including opening and closing prices, is then saved to a CSV file for further analysis. This project enhances accessibility to financial data by automating the extraction process, providing a convenient tool for monitoring stock performance from the CNN website.

EmpowerHer Insights: Unveiling Trends in Women's Empowerment through Advanced Forecasting with R and SARIMA/ARIMA Models

University of Texas at Arlington
"Employing advanced forecasting techniques in the R programming language, this project delves into the intricate realm of women's empowerment using SARIMA and ARIMA models on 2019 data. Leveraging cutting-edge statistical methodologies, our analysis unveils nuanced insights into the dynamics of women's empowerment trends. The application of Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models adds precision to our predictions, unraveling complex patterns and empowering informed decision-making. This project seamlessly integrates statistical expertise, data-driven insights, and the power of R programming to provide a comprehensive understanding of women's empowerment dynamics, substantiated by robust forecasting models and technical acumen."

Machine Learning :- "Fashion Minst Mastery: Unleashing the Power of Image Classification"

University of Texas at Arlington
A Python script was developed to tackle image classification using the Fashion MNIST dataset. The script efficiently processed the dataset, creating arrays of images and harnessing various machine learning algorithms. The focus was on implementing robust models capable of accurately categorizing fashion items. Following successful training on the dataset, the project went a step further by attempting predictions with custom grayscale images. This innovative approach extended the application beyond the original dataset, showcasing the adaptability of the machine learning algorithms to new inputs. The project stands as a testament to the versatility of Python in image classification, from dataset processing to real-world image predictions."

"Python Cinematics: Predicting Drama Gems with Logistic Regression and Beyond"

University of Texas at Arlington
This project utilizes advanced Python scripting and diverse regression models to predict drama movies from a detailed CSV movie dataset. Employing logistic regression and other technical methodologies, the script delves into data preprocessing, extracting key features that define the drama genre. From model training to insightful predictions, Python showcases its versatility in predictive analytics. The project not only forecasts movie genres but also unravels the intricacies of storytelling, revealing the technical nuances that underpin cinematic trends. Dive into the world of data-driven film prediction, where Python scripting and regression models combine to decode the essence of drama in the cinematic landscape..

"Video Visionary: Unleashing Ad Categories with AI Magic"

University of Texas At Arlington
Dive into the cutting-edge realm of advertisement analysis with our project, where we seamlessly blend technology and innovation. Armed with the Video Intelligence API, we embarked on a journey to categorize advertisement videos. Facing challenges with logo and label detection, we pivoted towards a novel approach—transcript analysis. Leveraging NLP tools like YAKE and Summa, we extracted dominant words, crafting a dynamic Excel sheet. This unique dataset became the training ground for our industry-centric model. Behold the birth of an intelligent classifier; our machine learning model accurately predicts the industry of new videos based on their content. Step into the future of advertisement analytics, where AI decoding transforms videos into valuable insights."

Lines of Code
Awards Received

Certifications & Organisations

  GUSAC:- GITAM University Science And Activity Center

Publicity lead for the a clubs that was build by students that have oppertunites to implement the classroom knowlodge into proactial projects that were helpful for small scale government porjects and other NGO organizations .

  Indian Mavericks Society, UTA

Lead Content Creator for the Indian Mavericks Society at The University of Texas at Arlington. Created the memorable videos and reels for Instagram and Youtube and also hosted multiple events to shocase Indian Culture in UTA.

 Data Analytics Certification , Google

Completed the Data analytics Capestote certification provided by Google on Coursera.
View certificate

  Data Science specialising, IBM

Completed IBM professional Data Science Certification course provide by IBM on Coursera.
View certificate

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